The most important piece of student clothing is the student jumpsuit, which is suitable for every weather and event. These overalls are sold in spring and autumn when new engineering students start. During the sale, we organise fittings at the school where you can try on a size that suits you. Information about fittings and ordering can be found on TIRO’s social media page. If you are a TIRO member, you can buy overalls at half price!
No overalls without badges! You can earn overall badges at events or buy them from TIRO’s extensive selection of badges. You can shop on the or at the stands.
PS. Remember to sew your badges yourself!
The Laulumatti ( song book) is the most important tool for students who take part to Sitsi events. If you’re planning to attend Sitsis, getting your own Laulumatti is worth it just to remember all the extra verses to songs! You can get your own Laulumatti from, stands or at Sitsis.